Monday, December 30, 2019

Presidential Election of 2016 - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 659 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Presidential Election Essay Did you like this example? The presidential election of 2016 between democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump was a barbarous and crude feud between not only the nominees but the citizens of the United States. This race was touted as one of the most hostile and cut-throat contests for the presidency, from the back and forth social media insults, the bickering at the presidential debates, and the unsportsmanlike conduct throughout their run. It seemed as a country divided, voters were almost split 50/50 between Trumps campaign to Make America Great Again and his focus on traditional Americana values, opposed to Hillary Clintons progressive agenda. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Presidential Election of 2016" essay for you Create order These paradoxical views on how America should abide ensued chaos between not only the two candidates but, the Democratic and Republican parties. Although this election has been hailed as one of the most hostile races in the modern era, it doesnt hold a candle to the back and forth smack-talk to some past elections pre-civil war. Acts of political belligerence in the U.S. date as far back as the election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Both sides engaged in personal, mean-spirited insults and false accusations throughout their campaigns, from Jefferson claiming Adams as a hermaphrodite, and an adulterer to Adams stating that Jefferson is an atheist, to then going as far to say that he is dead. Though Trump and Hillary both had accusations such as Hillary being a criminal or Trump committing sexual misconduct, these claims had a little more validity than the farfetched allegations dished out during the election of 1800. Adams and Jefferson, (both founding fathers and lifelong friends) used ridiculous banter to harass each other into submission. The mudslinging for presidency doesnt end here, 25 years later and we face the Era of the Common Man. The citizens of the U.S. are tired of the elitist running society and want a man cut from their cloth in office, a national hero and poor mans president, this man is none other than Andrew Jackson. Jackson ran first ran for presidency in 1924 against John Quincy Adams, though Jackson won the popular vote, he had lost to Adams after Speaker of the House Henry Clay cast a tie-breaking vote. When Adams chose Clay as his Secretary of State, Jackson was furious and accused the two of a corrupt bargain. This sparked the chaos of the election of 1828. This electoral race was so abhorrent and despicable that it left Jacksons wife Rachel dead with a broken heart, literally. John Quincy Adams before this election was accused of merchandising an American woman to the Russian Czar, in retaliation he called Rachel Jackson a convicted adulteress due to her marrying Jackson before finalizing her di vorce with her previous husband. Shortly after Andrew Jackson was elected Rachel died, at Jacksons inauguration he blamed Adams for her death and stated that God may forgive him but that he never can, after his speech at Jacksons inauguration party (which was public) a mob scene ensued. A lady that attended this party named Margaret Smith wrote Ladies fainted, men were seen with bloody noses, and such a scene took place as is impossible to describe. Though there was drama after trump was elected, there is no relocation of severe mobs ensuing at his inauguration. The United States takes another step toward a nation divided. Our last contentious and hostile election before the civil war is the election of 1860. This election was less belligerent between the two candidates as it was the entire nation (North vs. South). Unlike Jackson vs. Adams which seem to be more of a conflict between classes, this election was referendum of slavery. Republican Abraham Lincoln defeated Southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge, Democrat Stephen A. Douglas, and Constitutional Union candidate John Bell. The electoral split between Northern and Southern Democrats was symbolic of the severe sectional split, and in the months following Lincolns election seven Southern states, led by South Carolina seceded, setting the stage for the American Civil War.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain - 1156 Words

How someone interprets any literary work is subject to their personal interest in the story line and then progresses to personal agendas; often times trying to prove or justify theories in the academic world. Discussions centered on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain are no different, and perhaps this book has been more thoroughly discussed, with more heated discussions than other works of fiction. Oftentimes, discussions around race and morality can do this. Readers must draw conclusions based on their own beliefs and connections as well as the reader’s ability to completely comprehend the author’s purpose and views for writing a particular story. One way to dig deeper into The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is to examine the necessity of Jim as he relates to the story. Jim’s role is essential to progressing this story through time. Jim’s emotions are exposed and clearly identified for the audience so that the reader connects with him on the most basic of levels; Jim is a human being. Huck also has the ability to expose his true self in the beginning chapters and is speculated to be a blended character with Jim, meaning they are one whole character instead of two while they escape. To show this David Wood wrote, The prevailing assumptions in the existing critical literature are that Huck experiences increasing sympathy for Jim as they escape together and that the â€Å"evasion† entails the sudden, inexplicable collapse of that sympathy. But a closer lookShow MoreRelatedThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain830 Words   |  3 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is â€Å"A Great American Novel†, because of its complexity and richness. Twain writes dialogue that brings his characters to life. He creates characters with unique voice and helps the reader connect to the book. Anyone who reads it is forced to develop feelings for each character. Even though there is a great amo unt of controversy over the use of some choices, such as the â€Å"n word†, it makes the book more realistic. In the beginning of the novel Huck,Read MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1103 Words   |  5 PagesDmitri Van Duine Jr English Mr. Nelson November 27th The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Written by Mark Twain filled his stories with many examples of satire as to convey a message while also writing an interesting story. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn revolves around the adventures of a young boy called Huckleberry Finn, who is about thirteen years old. Tom Sawyer is Huck’s best friend and around the same age as Huck. He is onlyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain Essay1055 Words   |  5 PagesZambrano Mrs. Patmor AP Lit-Period 5 28 September 2016 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1835 Mark Twain embodies realism in almost every aspect of his writing not excluding The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which in he portrays such a lifelike setting that it almost gives you this sense of reality through the point of view of a young man that has an urge for freedom yet struggles to conform to society s norms due to his adolescence. Twain s ability to unmask the true identities of the charactersRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain931 Words   |  4 PagesWolski Mrs. Goska English 2H Period 3 22 October 2014 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mob mentality is the way an individual’s decisions become influenced by the often unprincipled actions of a crowd. Mark Twain penned The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain grew up in America’s southern states during the early 1800’s, a time in which moral confusion erupted within the minds of humans. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn s protagonist is a young boy named Huck who freely travels alongRead MoreMark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn1575 Words   |  6 Pages Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Controversy Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is a highly recognizable figure in American literature. Born in Florida, Missouri Mark Twain and his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri where Twain discovered and fell in love with the mighty Mississippi River. The river and his life in Hannibal became his inspiration and guiding light in most of his writing. Although Twain loved the river and did a great deal of traveling, he eventuallyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1375 Words   |  6 Pagesmention the years spent growing and maturing physically. Teenagers are stuck in an inbetween state where they must learn who they want to become and what they want to be when they grow older. The same is true for Huckleberry Finn, from the book â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† by Mark Twain. This is a book that was written in a time of great confusion over moral codes and standards. It was a world split in half by two different worlds of people; those who opp osed, and those who promoted slavery.Read MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain810 Words   |  4 PagesBefore Mark Twain started to write two of his most famous novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark was known to use his characters to display his own thoughts and opinions. â€Å"This device allowed him to say just about anything he wanted, provided he could convincingly claim he was simply reporting what others had said.† (Twain, 1283). Mark Twain used this process to be a foundation of his lectures, by manipulating his popularly with his readers. During the storyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain2083 Words   |  9 PagesSatire in Huckleberry Finn In the novel â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† by Mark Twain, we are told a story about a young boy and his slave companion’s journey down the Mississippi River and all of their encounters with other characters. Twain constructed a beautiful narrative on how young Huck Finn, the protagonist in the story, learns about the world and from other adult characters, how he is shaped into his own person. At the time this book was made however, this novel provided serious socialRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1005 Words   |  5 Pages In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain in the 19th century is about a young boy named Huck Finn and Jim, a runaway slave who go on an adventure. The two travel on a raft along the Mississippi river creating a bond and making memories. Mark Twain presents Huckleberry Finn as a dynamic character who at first views Jim as property and eventually considers Jim as a friend, showing a change in maturity. In the beginning of the book, Huck Finn clearly sees Jim as nothing more thanRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1335 Words   |  6 Pagesyear The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is placed in the top ten banned books in America. People find the novel to be oppressing and racially insensitive due to its frequent use of the n-word and the portrayal of blacks as a Sambo caricature. However, this goes against Mark Twain’s intent of bringing awareness to the racism in America. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is classified under the genre of satire and is narrated by a fictional character named Huckleberry Finn. The novel

Saturday, December 14, 2019

EBay Business Ethics Free Essays

One thing you have to understand is EBay is a company in business to make money. They offer a product that is one of the best in the industry. When Bidders Edge linked EBay’s site to other online auctions they attempted to level the playing field unfairly by letting all of EBay’s competition see what type of pricing is out there. We will write a custom essay sample on EBay Business Ethics or any similar topic only for you Order Now By doing this they gave EBay’s competition an unfair competitive edge to match prices. They also exposed the user names and information of some of EBay’s customers. If EBay made certain changes to their website or the way they do things other auctions on Bidders Edge website could have made those changes as well. This is not like the competition between two grocery stores. If one store matches the prices of another it will not result in situations like computer servers being overloaded or one store putting the other out of business. If Bidders Edge was allowed to cling on to EBay’s website this would have opened doors for many others to do the same and it possibly could have driven EBay out of business or caused them serious profit losses. EBay was within their rights to protect themselves. It would be in your best interest to create your dating site to be unique to your individual clientele. The last thing you want to do is link singles from other sites like eharmony. com to yours. I’m sure if you did this you would be on the wrong end of a similar law suit. Show your individualism and do your own things don’t rely so much on what your competition is doing. Make yourself stand out. When you look at traditional trespass it is an unlawful act causing injury to a person, property, or rights of another. This could be committed with force or violence, actual or applied. This appears to just cover items like furniture or jewelry, or even stock and bonds. This was tricky for the ruling in the State of California because it had to do with communication over the internet. Can you really cause injury over communication via electronic means? This is what EBay had to prove. This is what was different in the state of California from the original definition of traditional trespass. Since Bidders Edge was communicating with EBay’s servers without EBay’s permission they could have caused injury to EBay by impacting their day to day operation. If Bidders Edge won this case other companies would have been able to pick EBay apart. I trust you will use this information wisely when getting your dating site up and running. Good luck in your future endeavors and feel free to email me if you have additional questions. How to cite EBay Business Ethics, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Challenges of Team in Multinational Companies- myassignmenthelp

Question: Write about theChallenges of Managing Team in Multinational Companies. Answer: Effectiveness and usefulness of learning experience I found that the learning process was very enriching and I learnt about the different technicalities of the cross cultural management. I was not sure about the functioning of the global teams but now I am confident about them. I have reviewed all kinds of journals and publication. This has made me self aware about the process. I have also seen the interviews of global leaders and have found about the different challenges that they face during the cross cultural management. My opinions regarding this learning process has been quite high. I am happy that I have learnt a lot of things regarding the research proposal. I have also learnt how to do the literature review and take into account the different viewpoints of the authors. I have become more confident in doing the research methodology. I gave immense value to the learning that I derived from this course and assignment. I have become more aware about the art of making research proposal and how to present comparative views of the core subject. Usefulness of learning process The learning process has helped me a lot. This course taught me to be aware of the different management issues as well as various management principles of the organization. This course has given me power to know about the different resource allocation as well as various management styles which are concerned with global team management. I have learnt about the practical implications of the problems faced by the global teams and that has made me to ponder over the issue. This project made me confident about the different aspects of the research. I didnt know how to document a research but now I know the same. In the future, if I do a dissertation, then it would be easier for me. I have become aware of the structure of dissertation and how to present them.I have become a confident individual after I went through this unit. I know the prerequisites of completing each section and I have my own viewpoints. Happenings of the learning process I am happy by the different happenings of the learning process. I have done extensive online research on different scholarly articles and journals. This has made me check the validity of statements. I have made different comparisons of the journals and research publications. I have been exposed to different international journals and have been aware of the technological advancements in supporting the global teams. I have spoken with managers of MNC and have found out about the real challenges that are faced by them. Evaluation of learnings The foundation of the learning process was made on both theoretical as well as practical knowledge. I have got some of the important exposures regarding the research tools. I have learnt the art of making time tables and Gantt Chart, which is considered as one of the most important aspects of research. Explanation of learning process I have done a detailed literature review on first assignment and learnt how to represent the viewpoints of multiple authors. The comparative analysis helped me to understand the major ways of presenting contrasting views of different authors. In the second assignment, I learnt the art of making gap analysis and found research gaps. I found that there are various gaps in the literature which was done for earlier part of assignment. I did not have any idea of sampling but after going through this unit, I have learnt the aspect of stratified random sampling. I have understood the fact that the research methodology is an important section of research and hence I have enriched my knowledge in this section. I have understood the data analysis methods and how the data are collected from the individuals. Application of this learning The learning would be applicable to my future profession. I was not aware of the different challenges faced by the cross cultural team and hence I was not aware of their challenges too. I became confident about how to write a research proposal and I found out various ways of collecting data for research. The learning would be applied in my future professional area where I would be able to manage my own team. This would be helpful when I would be employed in a MNC.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Iris and the Sky Myth

The myth of Iris (the rainbow) and the sky is reflective legend riddled with a series of etiological elements in its interpretation. The myth offers intrinsically narrates the war that Iris had with the sky due to the pride of Iris. Iris did a lot of bad things that made the sky very mad.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Iris and the Sky Myth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reflectively, a legend narration is characterized by two parties who try to outshine each other. In fact, there is always a superior party of the two who will eventually win in the confrontation. The inferior party will always want to use cunning tricks to try to challenge the superior party. As it is always the case in many legendary tales, the inferior party called Iris challenges the sun, the moon and even the more superior sky on a fame contest. Iris uses many tricks such as deception and live contest to outmatch its competitors who the su pport of the Sky. Iris fails miserable and even deeply offends the sky. In the climaxing test for popularity and preference by those living under the sky, Iris attempts to outshine the sun without success. As a disciplinary action, the sky permits the sun to shine for so long that the people experienced famine. As is always the case in many legends, there is a winner who is always rewarded with a gift in the form of favor by the gods or an item of precious value. In the case of the Iris legend, the sun gets this reward and it leads to a disaster. The rain is then rewarded to rescue the people but it only leads to more death. The sky finally gives up and permits the rainbow to appear after the rain as a symbol of hope to the people. Reflectively, an etiological legend like that of â€Å"Iris and the Sky† presents a narration of beginning, cause and continuation of certain events in the society or nature. The ideal etiological element that can be identified in the Iris and Sky myth is the elucidation practices that are synergistic within a self contained system. The narration explains why the sunshine and the rain cannot occur at the same time. In fact, the sun has the responsibility of shining for some time and then the rain is expected to regulate the damages caused by the sun. If the rain is not stopped by the rainbow, it would destroy the people and their means of livelihood. Thus, Iris was given the role of giving hope to the people. Every time Iris is spotted, the people were assured of the end of rainfall. Just like the case in many legends such as the marriage between the sun and the moon, the considerable notion of fate and demureness demonstrate how the living things need to acknowledge nature for its role in their survival. This involuntary cage ensnares people unwillingly in teleological effectiveness coordination, power and lucid calculations in their endeavor to forge a common identity.Advertising Looking for essay on literature langua ges? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the front of regionalism, the traditional cage is characterized by defining rules, disciplinary control, and recognition of the symbols that the nature displays. Whenever people spot Iris in the sky, they are fully aware of the symbol of stopping rain. The â€Å"Iris and Sky† myth fits in the etiological theme of the classical mythology. The events in the myth communicate the reasons behinds the events that occurs when mankind interacts with the nature. This essay on Iris and the Sky Myth was written and submitted by user Jordan Jefferson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Warm Desserts Of North America

North America contains three â€Å"warm† deserts. They are known as the Chihuahuan, the Sonoran, and the Mojave deserts. Warm deserts have relatively high temperatures during the long summer months and low amounts of rainfall; as a result, the evolutionary affinities of their plant life are largely with the subtropical plant communities to the south. Desert soils tend to be poorly developed, with a high content of mineral particles but little organic matter. The poor soil is caused by low plant productivity, which restricts the soil-building properties of microorganisms that convert organic matter into the humus components of soils. Soils with low organic matter content have a low water-holding capacity, adding to the aridity of the land (Smith et al 1997). Unlike other types of North American biomes, warm desert plants are competing for water, not light. The availability of water is the major factor determining the types of organisms that can live in the deserts. Warm deserts typically receive less than 25 cm of precipitation per year. The amount of evaporation is often greater than the amount of rainfall that occurs. Evaporation is an important factor contributing to aridity. Rising air cools and can hold less moisture, producing clouds and precipitation; falling air warms, absorbing moisture. Areas with few clouds, bodies of water, and little vegetation absorb most of the sun's radiation, thus heating the air at the soil surface. High wind in open country also contributes to aridity of the warm desert (Eddins, 2002). Plants that have adapted to dry habitats by altering their physical structure are known as xerophytes. Xerophytes, such as cacti, are the largest type plants living in the deserts of the North America. To reduce transpiration, xerophytes usually have few or no leaves and have special means of storing and conserving water. Most annual desert plants germinate only after heavy seasonal rain, and then comple... Free Essays on Warm Desserts Of North America Free Essays on Warm Desserts Of North America North America contains three â€Å"warm† deserts. They are known as the Chihuahuan, the Sonoran, and the Mojave deserts. Warm deserts have relatively high temperatures during the long summer months and low amounts of rainfall; as a result, the evolutionary affinities of their plant life are largely with the subtropical plant communities to the south. Desert soils tend to be poorly developed, with a high content of mineral particles but little organic matter. The poor soil is caused by low plant productivity, which restricts the soil-building properties of microorganisms that convert organic matter into the humus components of soils. Soils with low organic matter content have a low water-holding capacity, adding to the aridity of the land (Smith et al 1997). Unlike other types of North American biomes, warm desert plants are competing for water, not light. The availability of water is the major factor determining the types of organisms that can live in the deserts. Warm deserts typically receive less than 25 cm of precipitation per year. The amount of evaporation is often greater than the amount of rainfall that occurs. Evaporation is an important factor contributing to aridity. Rising air cools and can hold less moisture, producing clouds and precipitation; falling air warms, absorbing moisture. Areas with few clouds, bodies of water, and little vegetation absorb most of the sun's radiation, thus heating the air at the soil surface. High wind in open country also contributes to aridity of the warm desert (Eddins, 2002). Plants that have adapted to dry habitats by altering their physical structure are known as xerophytes. Xerophytes, such as cacti, are the largest type plants living in the deserts of the North America. To reduce transpiration, xerophytes usually have few or no leaves and have special means of storing and conserving water. Most annual desert plants germinate only after heavy seasonal rain, and then comple...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the Essay - 3

Critically discuss the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the new economy bubble and the banking crisis - Essay Example This is attributed to the fact that when a firm or a nation borrows money from the capital markets, the reason is often to invest in additional physical capital products that will be utilized to increase income. It usually takes several months or even years before the investments start generating sufficient return to pay back its cost thus leading to an economic crisis. Capital markets are usually concerned with long tern finance. It comprises of a series of channels through which the communities’ savings are made available for commercial and industrial enterprises and public authorities. Therefore, Chisholm (2009) defines capital markets as financial markets which are tasked with the buying and selling of equity-backed securities or long-term debt. These markets usually channel the wealth of the savers to those who have the capability of putting it into long-term use. The paper will offer evidence supporting the view that capital markets created the conditions that led to the ‘new economy’ bubble and the banking crisis. According to a view shared by Rudd (2009), prescriptions of the neo-liberal policy flow from the major theoretical belief in the superiority of unregulated markets, especially unregulated capital markets. These claims is based on the "efficient-markets hypothesis" , which claims that financial-market prices, such as stock-market prices incorporates all the available information representing the best possible estimate of asset prices. Therefore, it follows that if prices fully informed and markets are fully efficient, there exists no reason to believe that asset-price bubbles are probable which means that if these do occur, markets will self-correct. In the neo-liberal view, deviations from market efficiency are as a result of external causes. They ascertain that bubbles and other disruptions are caused by governments and other "imperfections", and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Essential Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Essential Marketing - Essay Example 6 5.Discuss and explain the rationale of the marketing mix variables used by Burberry 8 5.0.Product 8 5.1.Price 10 5.2.Place 10 5.3.Promotion 11 5.4.Process 11 5.5.Physical Evidence 11 5.6.People 12 6.Discuss and explain the rationale of Burberry’s use of digital marketing tools. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this approach? 12 References 15 Bibliography 17 1. Overview Burberry was established in the year 1856 by Thomas Burberry who is the regarded as the inventor of the gabardine raincoat. This particular product ultimately became one of the signature products for the organisation. The chief visions of the organisation are to attain significant competitive position over the competitors along with increasing the market share considerably (Burberry, n.d.). In the paper, the different business environmental factors, market segmentation methods and the various applications of marketing mix features will be discussed. Various aspects that include the execution of eff ective digital marketing tools along with its various benefits and disadvantages will also be depicted in the discussion. 2. Identify and explain the environmental factors affecting the marketing of Burberry 2.0. ... Al., 2010). For instance, the chief competitors of Burberry in the luxury market are LVMH, Gucci and others. Hence, it can be affirmed that the brand faces a significant amount of competition from other luxury brands which can be thus recognised as a major environmental factor that affects the marketing strategies of Burberry. In order to outrun these luxury brands, Burberry has been identified to often attempt to introduce an increased number of collections annually which generally ranges between two to eight annual collections. It is worth mentioning that the company also faces a steep competition in the segment of luxury accessories. In the accessory segment the major competitors of the brand are Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Thus, it can be stated that competition is apparently one of the significant environmental factors that significantly affect the marketing prospects of Burberry. 2.1. Macro Environmental Factors Another significant factor affecting the marketing strategies of Bur berry was the economic downturn that took place during the period of 2009. It was found by certain researches that in places like Spain and Japan, Burberry was perceived to be a premium brand rather than a luxury brand. These facts compelled the brand to implement certain cost reduction programmes during the economic downturn in order to attract the customers of the weaker markets such as Spain. The recessional stress acted as a major factor that affected the marketing strategy of Burberry and resulted in restructuring at several places. The economic downturn also compelled the company to include discount strategies in its marketing policies during December 2008. Several other government interventions such as licensing policies also

Monday, November 18, 2019

International running and risk management of AVEVA Group plc Essay

International running and risk management of AVEVA Group plc - Essay Example Meanwhile, within the internal and external business environments of multi-national companies of which AVEVA Group plc is one, there are a number of risks that are faced that tend to hamper the normal direction and progression of the business strategies and ideas that the companies put in place. Without a well structured organisational risk management in place, these risks register their presence so hard on the companies that they affect the way and manner in which the companies can compete effectively against their competitors. This paper therefore looks at the issues of international running and risk management of AVEVA Group plc and how well the company places itself in the international business environment. Main markets and competitive situation Currently, AVEVA Group plc has markets in five major continents with Europe being is major market. The continents are North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. Within these market destinations, the company operates an overal l of 46 offices, which are spread in an uneven proportion across 25 countries. Even though there are market operations in five major continents, the company has four major head offices that manage the operations that take place in the 25 various countries. For instance with a head office in Boston, the office takes care of all markets in North America, while the head office in Rio De Janeiro takes care of all markets in Latin America. The head office in Lumpur is responsible for markets in Asia Pacific, while the office in Sulzbach has been placed in charge of all markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa (Wei, 2012). In terms of holistic market performance, AVEVA is yet to maximise its potential in the United States and BRIC countries as it still seeks to improve market share in those countries (Barisik and Tay, 2010). The competitive situation presented to the company is one that is focused on the provision of engineering design, CAD/CAM software, and information management soluti ons that emphasise on specialised technology consulting services for plant, power and marine industries (Wilkin, 2004). Lately, issues such as marine oil exploration have caused an increase in the number of competitors, putting AVEVA in a highly competitive global market. Financial performance Global finance AVEVA Group plc is one of the listed companies on the London Stock Exchange, and constituting the FTSE 250 Index. This puts the company at a highly globalised financial situation as it serves clients globally. As of the end of 2013, the company had revenue of ?220 million from operating income of ?77.5 million. From this, the company made a net income of ?65 million, which is rated as a fairly impressive market performance (McKellar, 2010). The company currently has a total of 1,600 employees who are responsible for the human resource pool of operations within the company. The company has always made strives to withstand global financing challenges and to ensure that it is finan cially viable among its key competitors. In terms of strategy, the company launched a couple of acquisition interventions as major growth and expansion strategy. This has led to a number of major global acquisitions such as the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay

Security Of Pakistan And International Terrorism Politics Essay Security concerns are always a priority within a developing society; in simultaneity with the developing of individuals into groups, tribes, societies and ultimately the nations and states. In contemporary world it is generally assumed that states are the basic unit of international socio political arrangements. Idea of national security can be traced back to concept of states/ state sovereignty since during ages of kingdoms, state sovereignty was vested in the kings person; safeguarding him especially in battle and times of crisis. Over the centuries, kings lost their power and nation states established themselves in international arena. With emergence of the nation states in Europe, sovereignty was no longer vested in person of one individual but rested in sovereignty of the nation state itself. 2. National Security since then became essentially competitive; something to be achieved at other states expenses and increase in one states security arrangements got directly linked to the decrease of its adversarys security capabilities. 3. During Cold War era most common approach to the study of security was one, which examined the best means to mitigate external threats to the political/ territorial integrity of nation states. Predominant threats were seen as external military threats from other states or perhaps from strategic interaction between states since end of Cold War period. Alternative approaches to the security gained prominence in general and these approaches de-emphasized military issues/ responses/ focus instead on non-military threats (either intra state or trans national in nature and character). 4. Alternate security approaches in vogue include concepts like common security, cooperative security and comprehensive security. Concept of comprehensive security primarily concentrates on well being/ prosperity of human beings, economic prosperity, resource development or national security/ sovereignty. Centre of gravity remains Human Resource Development while connotations may vary between different Security Models. Basic thrust remains on enabling secured environment for progress, attainment of higher standards of human/ economic and dominance related issues. 5. National Power is one of the most important characteristics of a nations security capabilities and plays an important role on international scene. It implies possession of control, authority or influence over other nations/ states while National Power Potentials can be referred to as nations ability to influence behavior of others in accordance with its own national objectives/ goals and aims with focused on own national interests. States endeavor to maximize their share of power, utilizing own elements of national power to its advantage. Pakistan is the 7th largest country in the world and a nuclear power; blessed with most of the essential elements to ensure security and well being of its people. Being the front line state against the war on terror Pakistan is playing key role; while it has to maintain a credible conventional/ unconventional military forces for its own security since creation. Pakistan did not develop in socio-economic fields as it should have, however, with a w ell identified/ permanently known enemy, ever changing interests of major global players (notwithstanding other internal factors/ shortcomings); did get affected adversely in the past few decades. Problem Statement 1. Pakistans security dynamics essentially relate to changing global environment and internal problems being faced by the country especially after the break up of USSR and Pakistan becoming a nuclear country in 1998. Pakistans current predicament is much more complex compare to situation as it was in 1971. The security environment has the impact of sectarianism, intolerance, weaponisation, economic problems, good governance, ethnic strive and terrorism. These factors impact Pakistans internal as well as external security parameters. 2. In order to investigate and research security dynamics of Pakistan, the study will focus on: a. Analysis of Global Environment and the way it is impacting Pakistans Security paradigm. Analysis of internal security environment. Conclusion Recommendations 3. The challenges necessitate bold and imaginative policies. A correct perception of threat analysis leads to formulation of correct policies while correct understanding of threat scenario will lead us to devise appropriate measures to ensure security of Pakistan. Objective of my Research 1. Pakistans national security has external and internal dimensions. It essentially focuses on parameters like territorial integrity, national sovereignty and absence of a threat to these core national values. At international level the existence of trans-national actors and networks, which are resorting to terrorism and their penetration in Pakistans security environment, threatens the internal and external security dynamics of Pakistan. Terrorism has global implications. In order to analyze it in proper perspective its origins need to be examined so as to find lasting solutions to this international menace. 2. This paper would focus on defining terrorism, causes that have given birth to it and how it grew in Pakistan and its internal and external consequences for Pakistans security so as to recommend viable options for future security requirements. Significance Of Research Controlling extremism and fighting terrorism in Pakistan are part of a broader spectrum; that requires synergized global efforts as well as Resolve/ Sincere Efforts not only from Political Leadership of the country but every citizen of Pakistan. At the same time it calls for a change in thinking of Western Leadership; who perceives Islamic World as volatile/ hostile and bent upon challenging the world peace. To live in comparative safety, World Leadership will have to reassess its strategic interests, particularly in the Muslim World. Scope of my Research Analyzing genesis of terrorism in our society, its effects, internal security environment, and measures taken by the Government to tackle this menace I have proffered few recommendations to enhance counter terrorism capabilities at national level as well as for Army and Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs). Limitations of Research Under prevalent security environment it is difficult to access records/ reports and evaluation studies conducted by the LEAs and Government Departments; to have a true insight to the factual position/ desired information. Scope of this topic is so vast that even whole world has not been able to agree on single definition of the word Terrorism; and so will be to identify its root causes, linkages and overall designs. Efforts will be made to evaluate this very important threat and global issue that has adversely affected Pakistan. Facts and figures quoted in this research paper have been taken from Open Sources i.e. ISPR Statements/ Reports, Electronic and Print Media and through personal interaction with responsible Government Official who deal with this issue but they opted not to be quoted in the best interests of the State. Hypothesis Global security and social environment impact Pakistan and Muslim world adversely which has widened the gap between the Muslims and rest of world. One of the views to solve this predicament is to create a change in approach towards Muslim society and remap the fight of terrorism which was initiated to control the few extremists instead of whole Muslim world. Literature review 1. The new millennium has bought with it new and daunting challenges for the world in general and Muslims in particular. The most obvious of these and even most acute, are political in nature. Most of the current world conflicts involve Muslims, which has inevitably led non-Muslims to believe, though wrongfully, that Islam is a religion of intolerance, militancy and terrorism. This perception is rapidly involving around the globe connecting Islam to fundamentalism, fundamentalism to extremism and extremism to terrorism. Naturally, these beliefs have created a deep mistrust of the west in the Muslim world. So the reality of suspicion and mistrust is on both sides of the divide. Pakistan itself has been a victim of terrorism even before 9/11. It posses an internal threat of colossal magnitude to our society. There have been many attributory factors which are generally well known to fight against this invisible source, it is imperative that the spirit of religion is not only clearly und erstood but also projected both home and abroad. We must take this threat seriously and also devise counter measures for its spread and prevention to make Pakistan safe for us and our future generations. 2. Terrorism was once considered an instrument of the insurgents in a certain phase of their struggle for gaining the coveted goal of ultimate freedom from a particular regime or an occupational force. It is now used as sweeping term against all those elements that seek to bring about socio-political change or even vent off their frustration without any end in view. The terrorist attacks of 9/11 have pushed the Muslims into a very difficult situation. The can come out of it only if they fully understand the global, regional and internal dynamics. There is no room for ignorance and obstinacy. Pakistan lies at the centre-stage of all the geo-strategic changes taking place in this part of the world. While she works with the global and regional actors to manage the influence of external environment, her greatest challenge lies within Pakistan. Since the influences of global, regional and domestic environments have conflicts and contradictions; the formulation of strategy to fight war on terror becomes extremely complex and challenging. The irony is that the sole super-power is loosing her goodwill capital very rapidly in the world and religious extremists of Pakistan do not loose any opportunity to spin any global event to their selfish political advantage. Likewise, regional actors like India do not hesitate to take advantage of global war on terror to label freedom movement in Kashmir into cross border terrorism. Pakistans strategic responses are therefore complex but not impossible. Theoretical Framework 1. 21st Century has witnessed terrorism as an emerging threat to world peace and security. This overgrowing menace has various forms and manifestations; its spectrum is broad and deep-rooted, ranging from religious and ideological extremism, sectarian intolerance, sub-national militant assertions, geo-strategic and political dynamics to transitional inclinations. Terrorism is not random, undirected or purposeless violence. It has clear objectives and uses violence and aggression as means to attain these objectives. Viewing this phenomenon from a restricted prism and merely focusing on the terrorist activities would mean administering a simplistic therapy to an exceedingly convoluted malaise, whose roots are well-woven into the geopolitical dynamics and socio-economic injustice. 2. The emergence of transitional terrorism has signaled a fundamental change in the nature of conflict, a paradigm shift from the cold war period. While the history of terrorism is very old, there is a little doubt that the events of September 11 dramatically changed the global security environment and the traditional concept of National Security. Pakistan has been a victim of terrorism for a long time. Our geostrategic location and proximity to the endemic sources of conflict place us unenviable situation. 3. To combat terrorism effectively, social and economic uplift and political resolution coupled with the requisite use of force should found the basis of counter terrorism strategy, but this too may appear easier said than done, because terrorism today, is an extremely complex and intricate phenomenon. Research Methodology Method Basing on my research and I will be using following methods:- Documentary Research Questionnaire Type For the subject paper the most appropriate type of my research is carry out the survey. Nature Exploratory Research Design It is obvious and perhaps without any doubt that terrorism has affected the global peace more than any epidemic or natural hazard the man kind has ever known. This fact has compelled me to carry out an effort to express my ideas to a level where needed and for this purpose the best option available were to carry out my survey through questionnaires including relevant information and public response. The second most reliable and authentic source of information was through the documentary evidences. Data Analysis Tools During the research I will be mainly focusing on the tools like;- Self administered questionnaires Research papers This research is undertaken for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree; the information in use from this survey will be kept confidential. Security of Pakistan and State of International Terrorism QUESTIONNAIRE Name________________________________________ Age __________ Profession____________________________________ Date__________ Note: Please encircle your appropriate choice Do you agree that terrorism has affected our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans role as a frontline state has due importance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Does 9/11 incident has any significance in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with Americas role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Pakistans Government hasnt handled the war on terrorism in a right way? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war is the only way to eliminate terrorism from our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you propose that government should hold dialogues with the terrorists? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media has any role in eradicating the terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that media is playing a right role in eliminating and creating awareness in the people regarding terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that United Nation has completely failed in controlling terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you agree that terrorism is more deep rooted than ever since the war against terrorism stared? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that war against terrorism has directly affected our country and our socio-economic structure? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that International Aid could help Pakistan to fight against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the result war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the war against terrorism has adversely affected our new generations? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree You think that we can easily role back from this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Are you satisfied with the role of Muslim World and OIC in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that the existing methodology of war against terrorism is working perfectly? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant positive effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you believe that the result of this war has produced significant negative effect on our society? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you suggest that Pakistan should stop supporting the war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that now our society has more awareness and has clear vision about their role in war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that Americas decision is more aggressive and they should find some other way to end up this war against terrorism? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that drones attacks are effective? Are they posing any threats to our National Integrity? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Do you think that we must dialogue at every level and forgive terrorists, and should give them a chance to start their lives once again? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Any other Comments:- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ End Notes V.P. Dutt, Indias Foreign Policy in a Changing World, (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House , 1999) p. 4 B. Raman, Internal Security, Changing Environment, South Asia Analysis group, 26 June 2002. p. 483. International Terrorism and Anti-Terror War: Chinese Perspective by Xia Liping, Conference on Global Terrorism at Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad on August 29-31, 2005. p. 1 Syed Raffat Hussain War against Terrorism: Pakistani Perspective IPRI issue of Winter 2004. IPS Publication Terrorism and Challenges to Pakistan Available at Economic survey of Pakistan 2004-05 Ibid. Education system of Pakistan-a presentation made by Secretary Education in ND Hall.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Abortions Shold be Limited :: abortion argumentative persuasive argument

Abortions Shold be Limited      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe the both pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints have valid arguments.   I believe that women should be able to have abortions, but abortions should be limited.   I think abortions should not be permitted after ten to twelve weeks of pregnancy, because at that time the fetus represents a potential life.   I believe women should be dissuaded from abortion, and more public measures should be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I believe my viewpoint is the best viewpoint is the best viewpoint because it combines both pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints unlike your viewpoint of pro-life.   You believe that women should not be able to have abortions because a life is at state.   You believe that a life is at state but you do not think about the consequences of having a child that is not wanted.   You say that women should not have the right to have an abortion and that you do not believe in abortion but by saying that you are taking away a woman's freedom of choice.   A woman should have the right to choose if she wants to have an abortion.   Your viewpoint does not acknowledge a woman's right to freedom of choice.   I agree with your opinion, that the fetus is a human and that it has a right to life and that is why I believe in early abortions.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I feel that your viewpoint would cause many problems.   One problem is that your viewpoint allows no abortions, that allows no consideration for the mother of the family that would be effected by that child.   Also, pro-lifers do not agree with sex-education in schools this would lead to more teen pregnancies which would lead to children giving birth to children.   A huge problem that would occur if there was no abortion would be illegal abortions.   Illegal abortions would cause women to become law breakers, and may even cause many women to die.   My viewpoint does not lead to all of those problem. Since we believe that there should be a way to deal with unwanted pregnancies, which is abortion it would not lead to women breaking the law to have illegal abortions.   Since my viewpoint believes in early abortion which will help mothers who cannot afford to