Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Surveillance Is A Breach Of Privacy - 1873 Words

Surveillance is often a violation of privacy, most people don’t realise to what extent they are being watched. Some people believe surveillance is a breach of their own privacy rules. The purpose of surveillance is to influence, manage and protect societies through monitoring people’s behaviors and movements. There has been a new application developed for surveillance known as crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing was coined by Jeff Howe as â€Å"when a company takes a job which was once performed by employees and outsources it in the form of an open call to a large undefined group of people generally using the Internet† (Brabham 18). This new application has dramatically changed the way citizens use the Internet, from becoming a place where you could not only store information but where people could retrieve and collaborate some of their own content as well as other people’s information in the context of a virtual space. As a result, the development of crowdsourcing and other various new models showcased via the Internet have contributed to a shift in the Internet termed web 2.0. Web 2.0 has been applied to various technologies, products and approaches, the Internet is not just a linear, centralized structure that just shows information from the professionals, instead it is a open distributed network, a concept loosely termed as â€Å"the crowd† (Tewksbury 251). I will discuss two readings on this new concept of crowdsourcing Tewksbury’s reading, â€Å"Crowdsourcing homeland security: The TexasShow MoreRelatedWhat Rights Of Actions Are For The Unlawful Surveillance Of Your Home Privacy?1522 Words   |  7 PagesWhat rights of actions are available to your case? As you could see in the above reflection of our state and national privacy laws, currently, in Victoria we do not have a direct cause of action for breach of privacy. 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